Today I will:
2014/01/shutterstock_146830448-680x400.jpg |
Please Take out:
-Vocabulary Squares
-a writing utensil
Today's Agenda:
*Sample Narratives
*Continue typing narrative
Edit narratives with focus on dialogue
ALL: Finish typing narrative on google classroom
Honors: attend tutorial, if needed. TODAY during lunch.
HONORS: Dialectical Journal - 2 more entries due next Tuesday, 5/17
-Your entries should come from the last 1/3 of your book.
-The text excerpts should be spaced out to reveal how the motif is emerging, changing and or taking on new meaning or revealing new themes.
-Do not erase grades on the document.
-Make all suggested changes for a higher score and use comments as advice.
-Do not "resolve" comments I've made to you, instead, "reply" back or ask questions.
-Keep working on the same document in google classroom. Some of you turned it in electronically, so you will have to "unsumbit" to continue working on it.